130x130 With Labels
To display the openSUSE release counter on your website, blog, ..., use one of
the following HTML snippets, depending on the size you want to use:
<a href="https://opensuse.org"><img src="http://counter.opensuse.org/large"/></a>
<a href="https://opensuse.org"><img src="http://counter.opensuse.org/medium"/></a>
<a href="https://opensuse.org"><img src="http://counter.opensuse.org/small"/></a>
<a href="https://opensuse.org"><img src="http://counter.opensuse.org/wide"/></a>
The language in the counter image will automatically be adapted to what the person that views the page has as preferred language, falling back to English if we do not have a translation for that language.
It is all handled on the server (counter.opensuse.org) and does not use any additional bandwidth on your site (except for a few bytes for the additional markup as above). The images are updated to reflect the number of remaining days before the release (at 15:00 UTF+1) on the server, and optimally cached in the browsers of the people who view your site.
If you notice that your language is missing from the list, please contact Pascal Bleser with a list of the following translations (not literal translations, but the best way to express the following English phrases in your language):
n days to go(before the release, might also be
Only n days left), including whatever plurar and singular forms are specific to the grammar of your language
Out now!, or
Available now!